In Your Neighborhood
The Commission's legacy water and wastewater system requires regular maintenance and upgrades to continue providing safe, reliable service into the 21st century. Rates paid by customers support investments in infrastructure upgrades.
The Commission in Your Neighborhood
The Commission upgrades segments of the water and wastewater (sewer) distribution infrastructure each construction season. To view an interactive map of Commission projects and associated traffic impacts in Springfield and Ludlow, please click here.
Did you know?
Commission infrastructure is located throughout seven communities and includes:
- 18,000 acres of water supply forest
- 3 reservoirs
- 2 treatment plants
- 1 power plant
- 597 miles water pipe
- 470 miles sewer pipe
- 6,224 hydrants
- 19,765 valves
- 32 pump stations (5 water, 27 sewer)
- 23 combined sewer overflows