Water meters are provided and installed on residential and commercial properties by the Commission to collect water consumption data. This water consumption data from the meter is then used to generate monthly water and sewer bills
Meter Reading
Meters are equipped with automatic meter reading capability. Commission crews collect readings from the entire distribution system each month using radio technology. Monthly readings improve billing accuracy, provide water usage history for our customers, and help customers manage their water use.
Estimated Bills
Occasionally, our meter readers are unable to obtain a meter reading, possibly due to weather conditions, radio interference or damage to the transmitter or meter. If we are unable to obtain a reading from your meter, your bill will be estimated. You can find out if you have an estimated bill by checking the usage section. There will be an “-E” next to the water usage on the upper right portion of your bill. If the bill is based on an actual meter reading, only the water usage will be shown. If your bill is estimated, usage from previous months will be used for consumption rates.
This sample water bill below shows the upper right portion of the bill. Note that in the usage section there is an “-E” indicating the bill is estimated.

If you find that your readings are estimated frequently, please call our Customer Operations Center at 413-310-3501 or email meters@waterandsewer.org to schedule an appointment for meter inspection.
Meter Tampering
Water meters are provided and installed by the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission and are property of the Commission. No one other than Commission personnel may disconnect or remove a water meter, nor cut or tamper with the wire security seal. The radio unit and lead wire should not be disturbed. Penalties associated with meter tampering include a minimum of $1,000 in fines and/or up to 1 year in prison. To avoid potential fines, please contact the Customer Operations Center if you are planning to perform any plumbing work near your water meter.
Meter Freezing
Every winter property owners face the expense and inconvenience of frozen water pipes and meters. It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that the area around the water meter is kept open, warm, and dry. The cost to replace a meter damaged from freezing or bursting is the customer’s responsibility. More information on preventing frozen water pipes can be found on the Preventing Frozen Water Pipes page.
Protecting Your Meter
Twenty-four inches of clearance is required all around the meter (top and sides). Please remove any obstructions such as concrete, wallboard, sheet rock, paneling, shelving, etc., from the area around the water meter.
If a meter sends readings indicating no usage, the account will be flagged as potentially vacant. The Commission tracks and inspects vacant properties as much as possible. Vacancy can result in damage to the property or surrounding neighborhood due to vandalism or neglect of the meter, plumbing, or water service line. We encourage customers to call and notify the Commission if a property will be or has become vacant.