On Thursday, September 16, 2021 on Bondi’s Island in Agawam, United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA) Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox and Congressman Richard Neal (MA-1) joined the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission and other state and local officials to announce the initiation of a major $500 million Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Renewal Program with support of EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program. The Commission recently closed on a $250 million low-interest loan through the highly competitive WIFIA program that will save ratepayers approximately $60 million in borrowing costs over 30 years.
In addition to Administrator Fox and Congressman Neal, MassDEP Commissioner Martin Suuberg, EPA Region 1 Acting Administrator Deborah Szaro, Springfield Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, and several other officials also provided comments at the event.

Cornerstone projects of the Commission’s Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Renewal Program include:
- New Treatment Facility at West Parish Filters Water Treatment Plant ($168 million): Construction of new treatment process and other plant upgrades to permanently resolve disinfection byproduct issues and improve drinking water quality. More information: West Parish Filters Facilities Plan.
- York Street Pump Station and Connecticut River Crossing Project, the site of today’s announcement ($137 million): Replacement of a 1930s-era pump station and construction of three new wastewater conveyance pipes across the Connecticut River. More information: York Street Pump Station and Connecticut River Crossing Project.
- Biological Nutrient Removal Upgrades at the Springfield Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility ($63.2 million): Upgrade of wastewater treatment plant’s 1970s-era aeration system, electrical system, and solids removal equipment to improve energy efficiency, safety conditions, and regulatory compliance.
- Drinking Water Distribution and Sewer Pipe Upgrades in the City of Springfield ($31 million): Rehabilitation and/or replacement of drinking water and sewer pipe prioritized based on age and potential for failure.
More information about the Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Renewal Program, including details on key projects, is available on the Commission’s website: https://waterandsewer.org/wifia.
Event Live Stream (Courtesy of WWLP-22 News): https://youtu.be/dlZ4SBG7KU8
Watch Coverage on 22 News (video)