The Commission welcomed Congressman Richard Neal for a tour of the construction progress of the new West Parish Filters Water Treatment Plant and for a Regional Water Roundtable to discuss issues affecting the water sector on June 10, 2022.
As part of the tour, the Commissioners Vanessa Otero and William Leonard as well as Executive Director Josh Schimmel highlighted ongoing construction of the New Clearwell and Backwash Pump Station project, an important Phase 1 project of new West Parish Filters Water Treatment Plant. These upgrades are part of the Commission’s $550 million Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Renewal Program – a capital project portfolio of more than 20 projects that will improve water and sewer service for the Commission’s 250,000 customers in the Lower Pioneer Valley. The portfolio is advancing on an accelerated schedule due to the Commission securing a $250 million highly competitive low-interest loan from EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program as well as through financing from the Massachusetts Clean Water Trust State Revolving Fund (SRF).
Following the facilities tour, Congressman Neal participated in a Regional Water Roundtable to discuss current issues facing the water sector. The roundtable included Commission officials, Jennifer Pederson, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Water Works Association, and representatives from local water departments including Agawam and Longmeadow.